Hygroscopic Cycle Technology (HCT) is applied to power production plants
with steam turbines

The incorporation of Hygroscopic Cycle Technology (HCT) into the cooling system will provide the plant, among other advantages:

  • Eliminate cooling water consumption and risks associated with Legionella.
  • Increase the plant’s net electric efficiency.
  • Reduce CO2 emissions and other gases (NOx, SOx…) per kWh produced.
  • Minimize visual and acoustic impacts.
  • Suitable for both new and existing plants.
  • Applicable to condensation and back-pressure turbines

Hygroscopic Cycle Technology (HCT) is also applied to the recovery of water, energy, and reduction of stack or flue gases in a facility

The main advantages obtained are:

  • Recovery of water and energy contained in stack gas.
  • Particle elimination.
  • Reduction of visual impact and odors.

Hygroscopic Cycle:
a new thermodynamic cycle

The Hygroscopic Cycle is a thermodynamic cycle that uses a steam absorber where hygroscopic compounds come into direct contact with the steam flow, allowing the steam to condense without water consumption and in an efficient way.

The physical and chemical principles of this technology evolve the Rankine cycle by providing higher net electric efficiency, better cooling conditions, elimination or significant reduction of cooling water, reduction of O&M and investment costs, and greater operational flexibility.

This cycle can include all improvements incorporated into the Rankine cycle (increase in initial expansion pressure, reduction of final expansion pressure, steam superheating, reheating, regeneration, supercritical conditions).

Why is HCT technology better than traditional cooling systems?

Smaller volume than ACC, better efficiency, especially at ambient temperatures above 25°C.

Net electric efficiency equal to or greater than cooling towers. Cooling water consumption is eliminated.

Lower annual self-consumption of electricity compared to previous systems.

No power limitation and lower operating and maintenance costs compared to traditional systems.

What is and how does the industrial water consumption reduction work through Hygroscopic Cycle Technology?

The Rankine cycle is a thermodynamic cycle aimed at converting heat into work. Any thermal power plant that produces electricity operates under this cycle (biomass plants, nuclear, solar thermal, cogeneration, etc.).

Among the main components of any Rankine cycle (boiler, pump, and turbine), the condensation of the exit steam from the turbine is essential. To achieve this condensation, cooling towers can be used, which operate based on evaporative cooling at the expense of water consumption, or “dry” technologies that use ambient air to condense the steam.

Currently, the water consumption associated with a cooling tower is around 3.8 m³/h per megawatt of electricity produced. This consumption is mainly due to water evaporation within the tower and the purges to avoid mineral concentration. As an example, a 50 MW biomass plant (roughly sufficient to supply 12,500 homes), operating 7800 hours a year, would consume around 1.5 million cubic meters annually, equivalent to 440 Olympic swimming pools.

Thus, cooling tower water consumption is significant, especially in thermal solar plants located in regions with high water stress, where higher production coincides with the driest months of the year.

In addition to the visual impact caused by the plume and high water consumption, cooling towers also have the following disadvantages:

  • Risk of Legionella.
  • High maintenance costs.
  • Operating costs associated with water collection and treatment.
  • Discharge of water at a higher temperature into rivers, with the associated environmental impact.


The hygroscopic cycle can be used and has already been successfully implemented in the following two applications:

  • Thermodynamic Cycles with Steam Condensation.
  • Plume Reduction and Water Recovery.

Compatibility, Reliability, and Warranty

It can currently be applied commercially to power plants that use a Rankine cycle at any power level.

Most equipment and materials are the same as those used in a Rankine cycle (turbine, boiler, deaerator, pumps, etc.).

Can be implemented in new plants or by improving existing ones.

All equipment and materials are commercial and 100% guaranteed by the manufacturers.

Research and development, as well as commercialization and implementation, are carried out internally.

HCT Applications in Industrial Processes

The technology can be applied to any process that requires steam condensation or emits gases containing a high amount of humidity, such as those from drying systems.

It can be implemented in both new and existing plants.

Sectors: paper, ceramics, pharmaceuticals, petrochemical, food, steel, chemical, etc.

Condensation Processes
Power Generation
Paper, Chemical, Food Sectors...
Drying Processes
Visual Elimination of Plumes

Advantages of the Hygroscopic Cycle